Why sponsorship is different with Life FM

Why partner with Life FM as a station sponsor? Read on!

Promote Your Business with Life FM

Radio promotion is a wonderful way to build your brand as well as let a whole bunch of people know about your products, services, special event, or sale. As a community radio station, Life FM does things a little differently. Life FM is Adelaide’s Christian and community-based radio station, broadcasting 24 hours a day, seven days a week since 1993, providing positive and encouraging messages to our listeners each and every day.

  • The Life FM listenership is 100,000 unique listeners over 7 days1 and an average of 56,000 unique listeners daily Monday – Friday.
  • We have highly engaged and responsive listeners who invest in the station financially each year through on-air appeals, giving them a strong sense of ownership and brand loyalty.
  • We can create a specific and affordable package for your business or ministry needs to promote your product, service, or event.

As a community radio station, we play only five minutes of sponsorship advertising each hour. This means your unique marketing package and Call to Action (CTA) will have more traction in the market, and you will be usually one of only two sponsorship advertising spots in a row, so your sponsorship ad will be heard either first or last, making you top-of-mind for our listeners.

Life FM has a Net Promotor Score2 of 54 within the radio sector. This means our listeners are likely to recommend the station to a friend or relative and are twice as likely to take action when hearing your on-air message

Life FM is also a registered not for profit charity so the overheads are minimal and there is a very good cost ratio to reach the Life FM audience.

When you promote your business or ministry with Life FM you will be reaching people that can make a huge difference!

4 Reasons you should consider radio advertising with Life FM:

  1. Average of 56,000 listeners tune in every week day to Life FM, many of whom listen to us exclusively
  2. Less Clutter—only 60 seconds of sponsorship spots per break, and a maximum of 5 mins per hour—making your business stand out
  3. Family-friendly and kid-proof messages
  4. Competitive rates

Be top of mind!

One of the very best ways to reach the Life FM audience is to run a long term branding campaign. Life FM has many different options, all of which give incredible value to brand a business or ministry to our audience over a long period. We also have short term packages to run for a sale or event that are also great value! Why not reach a largely engaged listening audience through Life FM at a significantly lower rate than other options.

Call or email our sales team today for a no-obligation sponsorship quote.

Tel:   (08) 8444 5444
Email:  sales@mylifefm.com

1McNair Ingenuity Research PTY-LTD – Survey 2024 Wave #1- May 2024

2A national survey of CMAA member station audience n= 2,082. Research conducted July 2021.