Life FM Membership

Life FM is a community radio station operated by Christian Radio Inc. The overall management of the ministry is vested in the Board of Directors, who are elected by the organisation’s members.

Membership of Life FM keeps the station alive in so many ways…

Your membership forms the backbone of the Association (Christian Radio Inc.). Membership numbers are used to demonstrate to the ACMA (the body that allows Life FM to have a licence) that there is strong community support for the station, plus your membership fees help support the station financially.

Benefits of Annual Membership

As a member:

  • you enable Life FM to share a message of hope and encouragement to people across Adelaide, to inspire people and to transform life, faith and culture
  • you will receive exclusive information about the station.
  • be able to attend and vote at the AGM.
  • nominate to become a board member.

Christian Radio Inc trading as Life FM is a registered charity ABN 82 994 708 317

Membership of Life FM is just $10 inc GST per year.

Information About Membership

  1. There is just one category of membership “ordinary member’.
  2. Full information about membership is found in clause 6 of the constitution.
  3. Membership of the Association is open to any person over the age of eighteen years who is interested in furthering the objects of the Association.
  4. The current membership rate is $10 p.a. inc gst.

Fill out the form below to become a member! Please note your membership is not secured until payment has been made.

Become a Member

  • 1. Membership Fee


    Membership is for 12 months and helps fund the day-to-day operations of Life FM. Membership is NOT tax-deductible and costs $10.00 (inclusive of GST).

      All members must read the below objects of the association and not to do anything detrimental to the best interests of the organisation.


  • 2. Credit Card

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • 3. Your Details


The objects of the Association shall be:


(1)       To establish, acquire, maintain and operate a special interest radio broadcasting station to provide for the broadcasting of quality music, matters of general interest, and news, to the community of Adelaide and near-country districts.

(2)       To encourage the appreciation of moral and Christian values (consistent with the Association’s Statement of Faith in the form of the first schedule annexed hereto) and to promote such community interests as will be for the common good of all.

(3)       To establish and operate a sound studio or studios for broadcasting or any other purpose, consistent with the other objects of the Association.

(4)       To provide training and practical opportunity for the members of the Association to participate in management, program production, administration, technical aspects and other work of the Association.

(5)       To foster interest in the use of the radio medium among other Christian groups or individuals.

(6)       To provide controlled access to the Association’s radio broadcasting service for members of the Association and such other groups and individuals whose objects or creed do not conflict with those of the Association.

(7)       To refer requests for spiritual counselling or other needs to counselling services or to the inquirer’s local church or other assistance as is appropriate.


(1)             All members’ fees shall be due for renewal on the first day of March in each year.  All fees will be pro-rata for existing and new members.

(2)             Should any member fail to pay his membership fee within three calendar months of the due date membership shall cease.

(3)             The annual fee payable by members shall be as is determined from time to time by the Board.

6                     MEMBERSHIP

(1)                  Membership of the Association shall be open to any person over the age of eighteen years who is interested in furthering the objects of the Association subject to the requirements of this Constitution.

(2)                  Applications for membership shall be made in writing and shall be accompanied by the appropriate membership fee in accordance with Part 7 of this Constitution.

(3)                  The Board shall consider the applications as soon as practicable after receipt and shall consider and accept or reject such applications.

An application for membership may be rejected only if

(i)      there are reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant would not abide by the rules of and/or would not support the objectives of the Association; or

(ii)     required by law; or

(iii)    the applicant has been convicted of an indictable offence; or

(iv)    there are reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant would not abide by the Community Broadcasting Code of Practice; or

(v)     there are reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant would pose a security risk to the members or premises of the Association.

(4)                  Where the Board resolves:

(i)      to approve an application for membership, the applicant’s name shall be entered into the register of members. The applicant shall become a member immediately upon such entry and be entitled to exercise all the rights of membership. The member shall be advised of the acceptance in writing as soon as practicable thereafter;

(ii)     to reject an application for membership, the applicant shall be advised of the rejection and the reasons therefor in writing as soon as practicable thereafter. An applicant whose application has been rejected shall have a right of reply in accordance with Clause 6(7) and a right of appeal in accordance with Clause 6(8).

(5)                  Any member may resign from membership of the Association upon giving notice in writing to the Secretary and upon receipt of such notice the membership shall cease and his name shall be removed from the Register of Members.

(6)                  The Board may terminate the membership of any member, if that member has conducted himself in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Association and such member shall be notified in writing of the Board’s decision. A member whose membership has been terminated shall have a right of reply in accordance with Clause 6(7) and a right of appeal in accordance with Clause 6(8).

(7)                  Right of Reply

Where an applicant’s application has been rejected by the Board under Clause 6(3) or a member’s membership terminated under Clause 6(6), the applicant/member shall have right of reply in accordance with the following process:

(i)                    The Secretary shall, as soon as practicable, cause a notice in writing to be served on the applicant or member the subject of the resolution that:

(a) sets out the resolution of the Board and the grounds on which it is based;

(b) states that the applicant or member subject of the resolution may address the Board at the next meeting of the Board to be held not earlier than 14 days and not later than 28 days after the service of the notice;

(c) states the date, place and time of that meeting; and

(d) informs the applicant or member the subject of the resolution that he may do either or both of the following:

(i)                   attend and speak at that meeting;

(ii)                  submit to the Board at or prior to the date of that meeting written representations relating to the resolution.

(ii)                  At a meeting of the Board held as referred to in clause 6(7)(i)(b) the Board shall

(a)                  give the applicant or member the subject of the resolution an opportunity to make oral representations;

(b)                  give due consideration to any written representations submitted to the Board by the applicant or member the subject of the resolution at or prior to the meeting; and

(c)                  by resolution determine whether to confirm or to revoke the resolution.

(iii)                 Where the Board confirms a resolution made under clause 6(4)(ii), the Secretary shall, within 7 days after that confirmation, by notice in writing inform the applicant or member the subject of the resolution of the reasons for the confirmation and of the right of appeal under rule 6(8).

(iv)                 A resolution confirmed by the Board does not take effect:

(a)                  until the expiration of the period within which the applicant or member the subject of the resolution is entitled to reply against the resolution where the applicant or member the subject of the resolution does not exercise the right of reply within that period; or

(b)                  where within that period the applicant or member subject of the resolution exercises the right of reply, unless and until the Association confirms the resolution under rule 6 (8), whichever is the later.